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Jacbo offers unique foundation systems

Jacbo offers unique foundation systems and has given these systems unique names. The following systems / pile types are currently offered

Jac-S, Jac-O, Jac-P en Jac-B

Nowadays, environmental and noise aspects play an important role in the delivery of foundation piles. Environment-friendly (vibration-free and low-noise) foundations are therefore increasingly used. Existing buildings are spared and the environment is not affected by pile-driving noise. This technique offers important advantages, especially in cities and other densely built-up areas. For example, the fact that damage-free work can be done means that considerably lower liability premiums can be charged by the insurance companies.

Process registration

During the execution, everything is continuously under control. Measuring equipment in the cabins of the Jacbo equipment closely monitors and records the production process. A length and concrete pressure registration is kept for all piles formed. This registration is presented in a graphical form and is available for internal control and is only released after any identified discontinuities on the basis of the report of the acoustic measurement.

More information about this technique can be found on the Jean Lutz website.

Hamertje Tik method

The acoustic measurement of foundation piles with the Hamertje Tik method is a non-destructive quality control to check whether there are any discontinuities in the piles, such as cracks, fractures or changes in diameter.

The principle of sonic testing is based on the introduction of a sound wave (sonic) on the pile head by means of a hammer blow and the analysis of reflections resulting from deviations in the pile and the surrounding ground. The impact introduces a vibration wave that propagates at the speed of sound in the concrete pile. At the base of the pile, this sound wave reflects, causing it to travel back to the head of the pile. The impact and the reflections are registered with a motion sensor held on the pile head. By integrating the acceleration signal, the speed of the pile head (v) during the hammer impact and the reflections is determined. The signal is digitally processed into a graph in order to obtain an optimal image. The pile head speed is the basis of the interpretations.

To protect the freshly poured pile head against drying out and contamination, it is covered with a polythylene foil.
If possible, the posts can be finished at the desired height; if this proves necessary, this can also be done with a pile head ring (so-called Monotube). Pile heads located at a deeper level (e.g. under footings) can be finished in depth

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